Professor Margaret Hamilton AO

Professor Margaret Hamilton AO – her over forty five years’ experience in the alcohol and drug field includes clinical work, education, training, research, publication and policy development.

She was founding Director of Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre (Vic.) 10 yrs; Chair of the Multiple and Complex Needs Panel (Vic) 5 yrs; an Executive member of Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) 16 yrs. She has also been President of the Cancer Council Victoria & remains a Board member of VicHealth, Life Governor of the Alcohol & Drug Foundation of Australia, Patron of DANA, and other organisations in this field & is a member of APSAD. She is an active member of the Victorian Mental Health Tribunal and continues as an honorary Professor in the School of Population & Global Health at the University of Melbourne.

In early 2015 Margaret was elected to the UN’s Civil Society Task Force & represents Australian NGO’s in the UNGASS context including participation in UNGASS, 2016. She Chairs the Advisory Group to the Centre for Alcohol Policy Research (CAPR) at LaTrobe University and continues to serve on other advisory boards and committees including the Mental Health Advisory Group of the Australian Defence Force (having Chaired the Inquiry in to the Culture of Alcohol in the ADF in 2011) and The Research & Advocacy Group for Anglicare (re Children’s Services).


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