Jake Rance

Jake is a Research Fellow with the Centre for Social Research in Health (CSRH), UNSW Sydney, where for over 10 years he has worked with people who inject drugs, including those living with hepatitis C or imprisoned.

Jake sits on the editorial board of the International Journal of Drug Policy and the Harm Reduction Journal and works closely with government and community-based organisations engaged in advocacy, health promotion and service provision for people who inject drugs.

Jake graduated from The University of Sydney in 1991 with a BA (Hons) Class 1 in Social Anthropology and gained his PhD from Utrecht University, The Netherlands, in 2018. Prior to joining the CSRH in 2008, Jake worked for a number of years in harm reduction services in Sydney’s Kings Cross.  Joining the Kirketon Road Centre as a receptionist during the NSW Drug Summit in 1999, he went on to work in their Counselling, Outreach and Education Unit, before spending five years as the Counselling Unit Manager of the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre.


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