Superintendent Frank Hansen APM commenced his career in the NSW Police Force in1970. At the time of his retirement at the end of 2010 he held the position of Local Area Commander, Rosehill.
Following 15 years in drug law enforcement Superintendent Hansen was promoted to Superintendent in 1994. He then occupied various positions including Local Area Commander, Cabramatta for 2 years (2001/2); and Commander, Drug and Alcohol Coordination, State Crime Command (8 years) before his last position on retirement.
For the majority of his career Superintendent Hansen has had responsibility for providing policy advice to the NSW Police Force and Government on various aspects of alcohol and other drug use, particularly legislative and training issues, policing practices and their relationship to the provision of public health services.
Superintendent Hansen has represented the NSW Police Force on range of state and national committees including the Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) and the National Indigenous Drug and Alcohol Committee (NIDAC) and for 6 years chaired the Intergovernmental Committee on Drugs (IGCD).